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Advice for COO: How to Change a Company’s Processes Before Scaling a Team

January 2nd, 2023

Evgenia Kuzmenko KITRUM Brand ManagerEvgenia Kuzmenko

Hiring a new software development team is never easy and may be one of the most challenging aspects of an organization’s operations. Before you scale a team, be sure you prepared your business processes for this.

In this blog, we will explain what software means and types, provide examples of processes you should adopt before bringing it in, and give some statistics that CEOs have taken before hiring a new team. 

Types of software development 

There are four software categories: 

1. Application Software 

2. System Software 

3. Programming Software 

4. Embedded Software 

Application Software 

Applications are software components that carry out tasks or fulfill particular needs. It is used to assist users in carrying out assignments. Examples include office productivity suites, data management applications, media players, and security software. Web and mobile apps, such as those used to make purchases on Amazon.com, interact with Facebook, or upload photos to Instagram, are also called applications. 

System Software

System software is created to run the hardware of a computer and provide a foundation for programs to run on. It offers essential features such as operating systems, disk management, utilities, hardware management, and other operational requirements. 

Programming Software

Programming software provides tools like literary devices, compressors, connectors, debugging tools, and other tools for writing code. 

Embedded Software

Embedded software-controlled communications networks, automobiles, industrial robots, and other equipment are not generally categorized as computers. The Internet of Things (IoT) allows connecting these devices and their associated software. 

The processes should be automated and standardized before hiring a new software developer. 


Hiring a new software developers team is one of the most important decisions a CEO can make. It is essential to know what hiring means in terms of software developers, what CEOs should know before hiring a new software developer team, and what processes they should have before taking on this task. 

Hiring new developers requires understanding the kind of people you want to bring on board and how they will fit into your company culture. It would be excellent if you were sure that the employees you choose could perform the job effectively, that they would bond with the rest of your team, and that they would contribute significantly to the company.

Before inviting a recruit for an interview, you must be sure of their abilities. You also need to know how much experience each candidate has had working with similar projects or using similar technology within their field or industry sector. It’s essential for both sides – employer and employee – that there is a good fit between individual skill sets and company needs/expectations for hiring someone new into their ranks.” 


Accounting is the process of recording, classifying, and summarizing the financial information of a business. Accounting is a process that provides data about a company’s performance and financial position. 

A new software development team should be able to comprehend how accounting functions inside the company they are employed by so that they know the steps necessary to guarantee that everything is documented accurately. 

Accounting is significant in any business because it helps owners understand how well their company is doing financially. It also allows owners to make sure that their company remains profitable by assisting them in identifying areas where expenses can be reduced, or revenues can be increased. 

Project documentation

Project documentation is a set of processes and standards that defines how a project is managed. It includes all the tasks that need to be completed. It also contains the tools and resources required for each process step. 

Project documentation is a crucial part of any project management strategy because it helps ensure that everyone involved in the project understands their role, what is expected from them, and how long it will take to complete their part. 

As a CEO, you should have project documentation ready before hiring new software developers for your team because it will help you:

● Establish clear expectations for your developers about what is expected from them and how long it will take for them to complete their tasks

 ● Identify any bottlenecks or potential issues early on so that they are solved before they become significant problems. 

● Allow your developers to feel confident in completing their tasks. 


Monitoring is a process that provides information about the performance of the software in production. It gives engineers metrics like response times and error rates to troubleshoot issues before they arise. 

As a CEO, you should be familiar with monitoring before hiring a new software developer team. If you need clarification about what it does or why it’s essential, your developers will get frustrated trying to explain it. This could lead to an unproductive relationship and ultimately hurt the company. 

Monitoring is critical for ensuring that your software works as intended and meets customer expectations. It also helps engineers find bugs in their code before they go live so they can fix them quickly. 


Operation is a process by which the software developer’s team can perform the tasks necessary for developing new features or changes to existing features of the software. 

As a CEO, To hire the right team for your company’s operation, you must first understand what operations are and how it works in software developer teams. 

An excellent example of an operation would be a backup system for your server. In this case, the operations team would help ensure that the backups are stored in a secure location until they need to be used by another team. The operations team

also maintains track of any other critical data related to your company so it can be recovered quickly if needed. 

Another example of an operation could be using automated tests to ensure that new code meets specific requirements before being deployed on live servers. In this scenario, the operations team would run these tests repeatedly throughout each day to ensure they are up-to-date with any changes made by developers or other staff members who may make changes without consulting them first (which could lead to issues later on down the road). 


All the tips can help you supervise your software developers’ work and make your business more efficient. It will help you to optimize processes before hiring a new developer, evaluate candidates, develop a culture of monitoring, manage projects, and make your business more productive.

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